
Friday, March 24, 2017

May 'FINALLY set to block EU access to British fishing waters if Brexit talks fail'

Fishing and Theresa May
THERESA May is reportedly preparing to deny EU vessels access to British fishing waters if Brexit talks break-down.

The Prime Minister is set to announce Britain’s withdrawal from the London Conventions Act 1964 – which gives Brussels states access to between six and twelve nautical miles from the UK’s shores, according to the Times.

The London Convention would allow a number of European states to access the UK’s fishing grounds even if the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy is torn up as it pre-dates Britain’s entry into the crumbling Brussels bloc.

EU states such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Britain are all included in the London Convention.

It comes after the revealed that 40 MPs have heaped pressure on the Government to clarify its post-Brexit fishing policy and joined fight to take back control of the Britain’s seas.

Mr Hastings said: “We have managed to create a huge storm over it where we have now got MPs writing letters, written questions, oral questions to the Government.

“Fair play to those MPs who have stuck their hand up and asked the question ‘what is going on here?’”

Robin Churchill, an expert in international law at Dundee University, told the House of Lords EU committee last year the Convention gave Britain rights to fish in five areas of foreign coast but allowed other states to plunder 32 areas along Britain’s coast for fish.

Foreign fisherman will have more to lose if the agreement is torn up, as non-British vessels land an average of 58 per cent of fish caught in UK waters every years.

British vessels by comparison land just 21 per cent of their fish in EU waters beyond the UK’s exclusive economic zone.

The move will be hailed by Brexiteers, who have been putting pressure on the Government to make an announcement.


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